Izumisano Cross-cultural Association (ica), a privately run volunteer NGO, is a fun place to gather and meet people from all over the world. At ica we learn various skills and discuss various topics in a casual setting.
Sunday, September 4, Sano Public Hall Multipurpose Room
Twenty-five children, up to grade four of elementary school, and their parents listened to the stories of the students of Japanese learners from ica and also played Rock, Scissors, Paper. This year was a first time the mothers of the World Fun (intercultural exchange group for families) held the event. They found some time in their busy schedules for to prepare for this event and were careful to design the event to appeal to children’s interests.
マイネーム 外国の文字で書いたら七変化
スリランカのゲーム ”ゾウの福笑い”
Children and Adults Have a Good Time
I was a staff member from the preparation stage to the final event of the international exchange event “Let’s play with foreigners”. All staff members were struggling to find ideas that both children and adults, and both foreigners and Japanese would enjoy. On Saturday, natives of Sri Lanka, Korea, China, Bulgaria and the Philippines joined in and taught greetings in foreign languages ??such as “good morning”. Participants also learned how express animal sounds such as dog barks and took an animal bark quiz. There were plenty of things to do and see. For example, members asked such questions as?”What do you have for breakfast?”, others listened to a Sri Lankan songs and everyone joined?along in a Bulgarian dance.
Everyone was very excited about the Sri Lanka’s game where players were blindfolded and had to correctly place the elephant’s eyeball on the elephant’s body. No matter which country, we all laughed. It was so fun that time flew by.
(Hanako Sugimoto)
* J: com coverage broadcasts on Tuesday, October 6.
Eighty-eight people from twenty-seven countries exchanged words at Kansai International Center Hall. Attending, were ica Japanese learners and Japanese language trainees from the Kansai International Center. Japanese students and Japanese participants divided into small groups then gathered around tables and had lively exchanges in Japanese and English.
I talked with two people from Africa. Although they were both from Africa, I could see various differences depending on the country. (Japan)
I was impressed that they knew a lot about Japan , even though they had never been to Japan. (Japan)
I talked with a person from country I was unaware of. It was interesting to learn about various countries. I wanted to talk with a lot more people. (Japan)
I talked with people from five countries such as Congo, Afghanistan. They’ve been coming to this center for a month to learn Japanese. Although everyone has only been studying a month, I was surprised because their Japanese was good. (Japan)
Everyone was friendly. The members ranged from young to old, so I learned a lot. (Ahmat / Chad)
I’m glad I could talk with local people. My first impression of Japan was not so warm and familiar like this. However, I realized that the more I talk, the fewer differences I see; ?I find more similarities with Japanese people. In my country family is very important too. (Azamat / Kazakhstan)
My Japanese ability was limited, but I’m glad that we could talk with Japanese people. I’m getting more motivated to learn more Japanese. (Tier / Indonesia)
Izumisano Summer Festival in Izumisano August 20, 2016 Suehiro Park
Local gathering in Izumisano – the plan was to break the world record of 3,000 people dancing to the traditional song of Izumisano, Sano Kudoki, while wearing traditional yukata. It wasn’t broken this time?however. This year the number of participants came to about?500.
Totaling sixteen people and representing nine countries, Japanese language learners from ica and members of Kansai International Center, participated in the event. People?from various countries gathered and like good friends, enjoyed informal and carefree conversation.
Speaking true words, the song goes, “The dancers are fools. The watchers are fools. Both are fools…” While the dance appears slow moving and simple, it can be difficult. By?observing?others and paying attention to the timing of the hand claps, the routine can be learned. Everyone works up a good sweat.
●(On the left) Mei, a Philippine native with her two children. She’s been in Japan for seven years but this is the first time she’s worn a yukata. When she finished dancing she was interviewed by NHK (Japanese Broadcasting Corporation). The interview was a great experience.
●(On the right) Nagamu, a Syrian native, selling her handmade work at the ica booth this year. Nishimura, who learned the craft in Turkey, introduced Nagamu?to the craft. Now Nagamu uses the technique to make cute?handmade earrings and accessories.
●Ratna, who was wearing a beautiful green national costume of Bangladesh also enjoyed wearing a yukata.
●Through ica, Yureka from Sri Lanka and Kuwan from Taiwan, recently became?very good friends.?On the day of the event they met at the bus stop in front of Izumisano Station and then arrived at the event together. Japanese, the language they both just started learning, is?their lingua?franca. Chamu, Yureka’s husband, is fluent in Japanese. He entertained people with his funny jokes and engaging conversation topics.
It was a good experience!
It was a very good experience. I was surprised that so many people danced wearing yukata to break the world record. Is Bon Odori related to Buddhism? There are thousands of dances in India too. The way of dancing is different in various ways… It was interesting to meet a lot Japanese people today. I also went fishing for goldfish. Is this a traditional type of game? I caught 25 fish with two paper fishnets. The trick is to use the edge and scoop up quickly. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take the fish home?so I had to return them.
Gautam, India
Bon Odori in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2008
When I was a Japanese teacher in Malaysia in 2008 the Japanese Association in Malaysia asked my school to join in the Bon Odori event. With volunteer students and teachers,?I participated in the event.
We practiced at the Japanese Association building at night. Then, on the day of the dance I made a mistake and wore?a?white pair of shoes instead of a black pair. Despite my teacher status, I had made a mistake and the other ladies pointed it out. Luckily, I was able to?borrow some black shoes and eventually we danced in front of more than fifty audience members, including some VIPs.
(Kadodera / Japanese teacher)
Ms. Chinmei from China, demonstrated how to make Chinese dumplings from wrapper to filling. It was a lively cooking class made up of six groups, including children from ages four to twelve. Before tasting the dumplings everyone said “wo kai shi chi la” (Let’s eat). Ms. Chinmei served her handmade desert called “xiancao” which added to everyone’s summer vacation memories.
The children doing a great job of cutting vegetables, mixing dumpling bean paste, kneading flour, and making dumpling wrappers.The making of Xiancao. ?When Chinese native herbs are added to the liquid mixture after being boiled the liquid solidifies and becomes jelly. Xiancao is popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan as a dessert and is believed to alleviate the effects of summer heat.
Words from the Participants
? I wanted to make dumpling wrappers, so I joined. It was rich and tasty.
? I enjoyed cutting vegetables.
? I was a bit nervous because there was a TV camera. *
? The wrapping style of dumplings was different from what I was doing at home. I made it cute so I think I will try it at home again.
* J: COM broadcasts on August 23.
The 10th Annual ICA Japanese Class Presentations were held on Sunday, May 6, 2016. This year there were 16 presenters. Presentations included a variety of content and formats. Some presenters introduced their home countries, others talked about life in Japan, or their experiences learning Japanese. Others recited passages, sang music, or performed rakugo. After the presentations?there was a chance for the 33 audience members?to share words with the presenters.
The Program
An Impressive Moment ● Ogi – / Mongolia
Self-introduction ● MoMie / China
My Candy Can(s) ● Wang Nan / China
Morning of the Relay ● Grace / Philippines
Rakugo ● Emilio / Italy
Home Country Introduction and Mission ● Taranga / Sri Lanka
My Family and Japan ● Nirumini / Sri Lanka
(song) “Promise of Sunflowers” ● Aiko Mizuno / Japan
(song) “500 Miles” ● Mari Mizuno / Japan
Home Country Introduction● Mizuno Fefuranshia / Philippines
New Year’s in Japan and Sri Lanka ● Nadika / Sri Lanka
The Differences between Sri Lankan and Japanese Life and Culture ● Himari / Sri Lanka
Life in Japan ● Jan’natu / Bangladesh
My life in Japan ● Huang Shin / China
(recital) “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” ● Song Yingjie / China
(song) “Jida” ● Chieri Hasegawa / Thailand
The moderator for the first half was Fefuranshia (Philippines). “It was a good experience, however,?I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to?moderate well because I had just finished working the night before.” The moderator for the second half was Chieri Hasegawa (Thailand). “It was fun!”
After the Show Meet and Greet
Reflections?from the presenters
A presentation such as?this, made me nervous but also made me more confident. (Ogi / Mongolia)
I was so nervous but It was a good experience. (Jannatu / Bangladesh)
I was happy to hear, “Your song was great!”, from the audience.(Aiko Mizuno)
I was happy to attend the presentation. I regret that my speech was too short. I will?try?again next year.(Huang / China)
Impressions?from the audience
The rakugo performance was very interesting and the plot was good. I think it could have been better if the story was a bit longer. (A)
The Osaka dialect was very good. (I)
I was impressed with the way they?presented various ideas. For example they used computers.?I could see that they had worked hard?when I saw them doing their best.(M)
The presentations had variety and were?interesting.?Those who are good at Japanese and those who have just started studying, were both trying hard. They must have inspired each other.?(M)